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General Trip Information

Mission Trip Schedule

Rohi conducts 2 to 3 Family Mission Trips each year typically:over

Spring Break, June/July, Thanksgiving week, and Christmas Break. We also take other trips throughout the year to work on specific projects or opportunities like the Water Well Project.


We are willing to schedule a special trip just for you or your group. Let us know what you are thinking.










Or, send us your questions or interest to attend a trip.

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One of Our Projects: Water Well

President's Volunteer Service Award Certifying Organization

In Fall 2023, The Rohi Foundation became a Certifying Organization for the President's Volunteer Service Award. It is a national award seeking to honor volunteers who make a significant impact and inspire those around them. Bronze, silver and gold awards can be earned by volunteering based on these criteria. If you'd like to learn more about volunteering with Rohi to earn a President's Volunteer Service Award, please use the contact box below.

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