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Thanksgiving Trip Review 2016



We came together as a church family and were the hands and feet of Jesus.

To look back at all we did as a team, as a family, as the body of Christ working as one, is really inspiring.


- We prayed with over 100 families at their homes and gave each blankets (probably over 150) as a gift.
- We cleared about an acre of land which will be used for a new high school     building. We also installed a fence around the perimeter.

- We had a two day medical clinic and saw 71 adults and 64 children.
- We had a one day dental clinic and saw 12 patients
- We distributed over 400 coats.
- We painted three houses.
- We had art activities (painting on canvas) for the mothers that lasted two days and had an incredible amount of people participate. 
- We cleaned the interior of the classrooms at the school.
- We had many, many games and activities for the kids of the community.
- We hosted a community picnic and fed over 300 people and had lots of games and activities.
- We had family portrait activity and printed over 150 pictures for families to cherish.
- We had a fun run for the kids and a worship/Bible lesson time for the kids after.

- We had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner for about 100 people.


To learn more about the trip, read our November 2016 newsletter.

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