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Thanksgiving 2015 in
52 Participants - ages 18 mos. to 70+
& hundreds here in Austin that gifted money, coats, prayer, blankets, & their time to prepare us.
Over a dozen missional activities
Adult Ministry
Women's Bible Study & Craft - learning to paint on canvas
Men - helped dig water distribution pipeline & BBQ'd the Chicken
Kids Ministry
VBS - bible story, craft, games, zipline, snacks
Saturday Fun Run - 200 kids participated
School Supplies - hundreds of individual kid supply bundles
Family Ministry
Canvassing - delivering blankets & praying with families
Coat Distribution - hundreds of coats to all families
Vision Clinic - 130 vision checks; 70+ pairs of glasses distributed
Medical Clinic - 75 check ups; dozens of meds & prescriptions given
Water Distribution - 3,000 feet of pipe laid: 30 homes have water
House Painting - 2 homes painted
Fan Installation - 8 fans installed at the school & various homes
Saturday BBQ - served 250 meals, games, crafts, music, & a play!

Deanna Mueller teaching painting

Our kids playing with theirs

Maynard & Tom installing fans

Chris/Crestina documenting our trip

Shawn helping zipline line

Our Saturday BBQ con Pollo

Water pipe from well to the homes

Winter coat distribution to the kids

A van load of blankets
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