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Colonia Profile - Little Blue School Help

End of Year Giving Chance to Support the Little Blue Schools

As we near the end of the year, we ask that you prayerfully consider including Rohi in your end of year giving. Besides still needing to raise money for the water distribution lines for the recently drilled well, we have an ongoing need for support for the three schools in the colonias.

Rohi works in coordination with Cherish our Children International (COCI) to assist in providing educational opportunities to the residents of the colonias via the Little Blue Schools Program or Las Esquelitas Azules Reynosa (LEARN). The purpose of LEARN is to provide the children of the colonia with a solid foundation for healthy physical, intellectual and emotional development to prepare them to go on to secondary public education with the confidence, high self-esteem, and educational skills to continue to succeed.

We work with the Mexican education system, specifically CONAFE, who provides the teachers, and DIF, who supplies some food for school lunches. Everything else, including school supplies, maintenance of the buildings, clean water for the school and the neighborhood (and the maintenance of that system), nutritious lunch meals, and even books and other resource materials are provided by Rohi and the LEARN partnership. We support three schools - La Union, La Calichera, and Ramon Perez – with over 300 students. Our missionaries, the Garcias, oversee the LEARN program in the colonias and live onsite. Rohi and COCI each contribute about $1000 a month for the LEARN program, which includes part of the Garcia’s support.

We have monthly donors and use a portion of the mission trip fees towards the support of the LEARN program. But ultimately, we are dependent on the Lord’s provision to meet the funding needs each month. Would you consider making an end of year contribution to Rohi’s work in the Little Blue Schools? Doing so is easy. You can DONATE HERE on the website or via Paypal ( or by check to our physical address (4608 Eagle Feather Dr., Austin, TX 78735). All donations are tax deductible.

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